The networks adjust your mobile bill every year according to the Retail Price Index (RPI) or Consumer Price Index (CPI) + rate of inflation.

Each year, your Pay Monthly airtime tariff will be adjusted according to the RPI+ (O2) or CPI+ (Three, Vodafone & Talkmobile) rate of inflation.

O2: Your monthly price will increase every April by £1.80. Out of bundle charges will increase each year by 5% from 1st April.

Three: The monthly price shown will increase each April by the CPI rate published in January of that year plus 3.9%.

Vodafone: The monthly price will increase each April by £1.80 inc VAT (£1.00 inc VAT for Basics Plans), out of bundle charges will increase by the Consumer Price Index rate of inflation published in January of that year plus 3.9%.


What is the Retail Price Index?

It's a measure of inflation published monthly by the Office for National Statistics.


What is the Consumer Price Index?

It's a measure of inflation published monthly by the Office for National Statistics.